Monday, 24 December 2012


PhotoPhotoPhoto: 这里没有失去  只有值得
没有昂贵的梦  廉价的努力
却有着苦尽的甘  付出的爱  充实的心
Negara kita, Malaysia, merupakan sebuah negara yang terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum dan etnik yang mempunyai kepelbagaian dan keistimewaan dari beberapa segi, terutamanya dari segi kebudayaan. Sehubungan dengan itu, kebudayaan didefinisikan sebagai satu keseluruhan gagasan yang meliputi kepercayaan, nilai – nilai, cara hidup, amalan, adat, dan juga segala aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh sesebuah masyarakat. Lantaran itu, kebudayaan pelbagai etnik yang kukuh di negara kita merupakan aset yang terpenting untuk memupuk perpaduan antara rakyat Malaysia supaya proses pembangunan negara kita, Malaysia boleh berjalan dengan lancar. Tamadun sesebuah negara amatlah bergantung kepada tahap kebudayaan negara tersebut. Di samping itu, tidak ada sesebuah negara yang dapat melangkah kepada era yang lebih majmuk dan maju jika kebudayaannya tidak dapat diwariskan dan dipertahankan. Selain daripada itu, Kebudayaan juga melambangkan identiti negara tersebut, seperti mana kepelbagaian kebudayaan yang melambangkan negara kita, Malaysia. Memandangkan kepentingan kebudayaan dalam memastikan perwarisan tamadun negara kita, persefahaman kebudayaan adalah amat penting, kepentingannya bukan sahaja penting dalam negara kita yang berbilang kaum, tetapi juga penting dari segi internasional kerana melalui persefahaman kebudayaan peperangan dan beberapa bencana buatan manusia dapat dielakkan. Justeru, “Persefahaman Budaya Asas Kebudayaan” akan dijadikan sebagai tema asas Pesta Tanglung UKM ke-33. Maklumat – maklumat yang diperolehi akan dikemaskini, dianalisis dan disusun semula supaya dapat memberi kesedaran kebudayaan kepada masyarakat Malaysia. Melalui penganjuran Pesta Tanglung UKM ke-33, pihak kami berharap dapat memberi satu kesedaran budaya kepada masyarakat Malaysia di samping mempereratkan silaturahim antara kaum demi mencapai perpaduan nasional.






Photo: 两位哥儿们的兄弟情难免有点泛滥了吧?
Karnival ini diadakan oleh kelab PESTA TANGLUNG di SJKC Sungai Chua
Pelbagai aktiviti menarik diadakan seperti tarian, nyanyian , persembahan pentas, dan sbgnya.
Ia merupakan sesuatu aktiviti yg dapat menonjolkan kemegahan dan kebolehan pelajar2 UKM kepada penduduk luar dan menjadi inspirasi/target kepada adik2  supaya besar nanti juga akan mejejak langkah ke menara gading =)


Photo: 汉华一家亲Photo: Annice Ang Pei Yuan nah,u slow2 tag xD
Perayaan DongZhi atau Perayaan Solstis Musim Sejuk (Bahasa Cina冬至pinyinDōngzhì; secara harfiahnya "Keterlaluan Musim Sejuk") adalah salah satu perayaan yang paling penting yang diraikan oleh China dan negara Asia Timur lain semasa tempoh suria Dongzhi (solstis musim sejuk), pada atau sekitar 22 Disember apabila cahaya matahari adalah yang paling lemah dan siang hari terpendek. Ia berlaku pada 22 Disember (waktu Asia Timur) pada tahun 2011.
Asal-usul perayaan ini boleh disusur kembali kepada falsafah yin dan yang keseimbangan dan keharmonian dalam kosmos. Selepas perayaan ini, akan terdapat hari dengan waktu siang yang lebih panjang dan akan ada peningkatan tenaga positif yang mengalir masuk. Kepentingan falsafah ini dilambangkan oleh heksagram  (复, "Kembali") I Ching.

Lantern Festival IZISH

Date : 17/10/2012

Time : 6.30pm-10pm

Venue : Cafeteria Avenue, IZISH

Tips Menjaga Keselamatan Diri, Kewangan dan Harta Benda

KTM 1 Malaysia Card

Dateline : 21 Nov 2012

Time : 11am-8pm

How :
1. Bring along your photocopied IC, Go to Kajang KTM Station to fill in the form, Pay RM1, and you will get the KTM Card


2. Fill in, print a copy of the application form and bring along your photocopied IC to Kajang KTM Station, Pay RM1, and you will get the KTM Card

Hebahan Jemputan Menjadi Sukarelawan Kementerian Pelancongan

emua warga UKM (kakitangan dan mahasiswa) adalah dijemput menjadi sukarelawan di bawah program anjuran Kementerian Pelancongan.

Program pertama yang bakal melibatkan sukarelawan adalah Karnival Majlis Pelancaran Kempen Promosi Tahun Melawat Malaysia 2014. Karnival ini akan diadakan pada 18-20 Januari 2013 di perkarangan Stadium Nasional Bukit Jalil, KL.

Kenderaan akan disediakan. Sijil penyertaan dan tshirt turut diberikan. Taklimat lanjut akan turut diadakan dan akan dimaklumkan kemudian.

Antara tugas sukarelawan termasuklah menjadi penyambut tetamu, menjaga Kaunter Informasi, mengedar risalah kepada pelawat, bertugas di kawasan sekitar tapak/booth pameran, menunjuk arah kepada tetamu, memantau keceriaan tapak & membantu tugas urusetia sepanjang karnival.

Mahasiswa khususnya amat digalakkan menjadi sukarelawan ini kerana selain menimba pengalaman, peluang ini harus dimanfaatkan untuk memperkukuh pelbagai kemahiran di samping meneroka peluang kerjaya/perniagaan di masa akan datang.

Sekiranya berminat, sila emelkan nama, no kad pengenalan, jantina, no hp, emel & saiz bajuke

Sebarang pertanyaan sila hubungi Puan Salini di Unit Pembangunan Sahsiah Pelajar, JPPel melalui talian
03-89213194/3146/4530 atau Facebook Lini UKM.

Bagi pertanyaan lebih lanjut mengenai program, sila hubungi pihak Kementerian Pelancongan, En Affendy Shamsudin di talian 03-88917309 atau emel


Tarikh : 12 dan 13 Disember 2012 (Rabu dan Khamis)
Masa : 8.30 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat : Aras 3, (Berhadapan PMUKM) Bangunan Pusanika, UKM Bangi.


Putrajaya atau nama penuhnya Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya ialah pusat pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan Malaysia yang menggantikan Kuala Lumpur pada 1999. Putrajaya, bandar raya pintar dalam taman terletak 25 kilometer di selatan Kuala Lumpur merupakan sebuah bandaraya futuristik yang menempatkan pusat pentadbiran Kerajaan Persekutuan (lihat peta). Ia adalahWilayah Persekutuan ke-3 di Malaysia.

Kuala Lumpur

Kuala Lumpur atau nama penuhnya Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, ialah ibu negara dan bandar terbesar di Malaysia. Kawasan Wilayah Persekutuan ini yang meliputi tanah seluas 244 km2 (94 batu²), diduduki 1.63 juta orang mengikut banci tahun 2010. Kuala Lumpur tergolong dalam sebuah kawasan metropolitan besar yang turut meliputi sebahagian besar negeri Selangor, iaitu Lembah Klang, sebuah kelompokan bandar yang diduduki 7.2 juta orang, dan juga kawasan metropolitan yang paling pesat membangun di negara dari segi bilangan penduduk dan ekonomi.
Kuala Lumpur merupakan tempat letaknya Parlimen Malaysia, dan juga pernah menjadi lokasi cabang eksekutif dan kehakiman kerajaan persekutuan yang kini bertapak di Putrajaya sejak tahun 1999. Namun begitu, terdapat beberapa cawangan kehakiman yang kekal di ibu kota ini. Kediaman rasmi Yang di-Pertuan Agong, iaitu Istana Negara, juga terletak di Kuala Lumpur. Bandar raya ini juga merupakan pusat kebudayaan dan ekonomi Malaysia kerana kedudukannya selaku ibu negara dan bandar raya primat. Kuala Lumpur ditarafkan sebagai bandaraya dunia alfa, dan juga satu-satunya bandar raya global di Malaysia, menurut Globalization and World Cities Study Group and Network (GaWC).
Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur ialah salah satu daripada tiga buah Wilayah Persekutuan Malaysia, dan juga sebuah enklaf dalam negeri Selangor, di pantai barat tengah Semenanjung Malaysia.
Semenjak 1990-an, bandar raya ini menjadi tuan rumah kepada berbilang acara sukan, politik dan kebudayaan, termasuk Sukan Komanwel 1998 dan Kejohanan Dunia Formula Satu. Selain itu, di Kuala Lumpur terdirinya menara berkembar tertinggi di dunia, iaitu Menara Berkembar Petronas.
Kuala Lumpur dihubungkan dengan dunia luar oleh dua buah lapangan terbang, iaitu Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) di Sepang dan Lapangan Terbang Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah yang kini hanya berkhidmat untuk penerbangan dalam negara.

Top 5 worst Android phones

1)T-Mobile G1 Tech types often dub the T-Mobile G1 'the O.G of Android phones'. That’s purely because it was the first one. In no sense does that bad-ass sobriquet reflect that the phone is a bad-ass bit of kit. Glitchy and laggy, it wasn't much fun to use. Then there was the way it rinsed the battery. And that’s before you even get to its trifling 192MB of internal storage space that meant that getting OS updates was a no-no very early on the handset's lifecycle. But sealing the deal was that because G1 featured a physical QWERTY keyboard and racked up a million or so sales, it paved the way for a slew of similar phones - despite the fact that Android is optimised for touchscreen handsets. All those keyboards did was cut back on screen real estate that would have made for a much better user experience. And held Android back from becoming a viable challenger to Apple a lot sooner.

  2) Sharp Aquos Hybrid Back in the early 2000’s Motorola’s clamshell RAZR phones were the last word in cutting-edge cool. That was then, though. Fast forward to 2011 and Aquos attempted to revive the form factor with the Hybrid. You couldn’t fault the specs. It shipped with the at-the-time latest 2.3 version of Android and rocked a 16-megapixel camera. But we just couldn’t get past the fact that it was so fugly. And much more importantly, pointlessly cut back on screen space. By choosing the clamshell design, Aquos ruined what would otherwise have been a very welcome addition to the Android line-up

  3) Sony Ericsson Xperia Mini Pro The Xperia Mini Pro was another keyboard-toting Android phone, whose chief apparent virtue was that it was also very compact indeed. Except that it wasn’t actually a virtue at all. In hindsight, the idea of shrinking Android phones as though they were old-fashioned feature handsets seems absurd in the era of the Galaxy Note and the growing number of smarties with ever-increasing display sizes. But no phone proved that more decisively than the incredibly fiddly to use Mini, which featured a screen that was too pokey for comfort and a keyboard that was stiff and unresponsive. That meant both input methods were a failure. And that’s not good enough

4) Kyocera Echo This two-screen number was another attempt to turn the big book of Android phone design upside down. Unfortunately, it was stymied because the second display was little more than a novelty and added nothing to the Echo other than extra bulk. Add to that low-grade specs (think: single core processor and five-megapixel camera) and it's hard to see what Kyocera thought it was bringing to the party. 

5 )Sony Xperia Play For years before the so-called PlayStation phone arrived, it was the subject of excitable chatter from tech types and gamers alike. That eagerness evaporated within minutes of the handset landing in a blaze of publicity at lavish Sony Ericsson launch events. With controls that were unresponsive and plasticky, a selection of creaky, dusty PSOne games and shoddy build quality, the Play was rotten as a console. Much worse for its fortunes, though, was that it was a gadget that showed that Sony Ericsson fundamentally misunderstood why people are ditching complex console titles for throwaway mobile games.

The 5 Best Books of 2012

In the Shadow of the Banyan'In the Shadow of the Banyan' by Vaddey Ratner

In the Shadow of the Banyan is a story of a young girl in Cambodia during the devastating period from 1975 to 1979. Largely based on Ratner's own story, this novel is beautiful and devastating at the same time.

Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo'Behind the Beatiful Forevers' by Katherine Boo

Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo is narrative nonfiction that takes place in a Mumbai slum. Boo avoids cliches and expected narratives. She tells a gripping story that tugs at the heart and mind.

The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker'The Age of Miracles' by Karen Thompson Walker

The Age of Miracles is Karen Thompson Walker's debut novel. It is told from the perspective of an eleven year old in a future where the earth's rotation has begun slowing. Walker writes a quiet suspense that will draw readers into the fantastical premise and remind them what it feels like to grow up.

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green'The Fault in Our Stars' by John Green

The Fault in Our Stars is a young adult novel that has big crossover appeal. It is told from the perspective of a sixteen year old girl with terminal cancer. The characters think and feel big, and will make readers want to stick with them to the end.

Gold by Chris Cleave'Gold' by Chris Cleave

Gold is a book about the 2012 Olympics, released in the same month as the Olympics. When I heard that, I expected it to be a flimsy story and a marketing ploy. Clearly I forgot that Chris Cleave is a brilliant writer.Gold is a story that will shine even when the Olympics is just a memory.

Gangnam Style Gotta Go

Okay, America, I know you’ve had your fun with PSY’s “Gangnam Style,” but when will this stop being a thing? Don’t get me wrong now, I understand the allure. When looking at PSY’s video for this seemingly never-ending single, you instantly say to yourself and your friends, “Hey! Look at that funny Asian man doing that dance that the guy with the perm who used to be Prince’s friend did in the ‘80s!” I’m not mad at the song’s success. Korean pop has been trying to inch its way onto our shores for quite some time now. It was going to happen eventually. Now that it has happened, shouldn’t that damn song go back from whence it came? It’s been huge on Billboard and watched 700 million times on YouTube. Who else needs to hear it? Well, apparently y’all needed to hear it with MC Hammer, hence how he teleported from 1991 to join in on the fun. Isn’t that just super? No. The answer is no. In fact, if Hammer was going to resurface on national television for a gig, it should have been to perform “Pumps and a Bump.” I’ve got to admit, though: PSY is a very energetic performer. Technically, he was one of the better performers at the American Music Awards. However, the AMAs served as an unintentional three-hour telethon for VH1’s Save The Music program. So there you go. It was fun for about a week or two, but some of us can’t take it anymore. I imagine I sound like a mean uncle, right now. You know, the type who will only get hornier with time. If that happens, so be it. Meanwhile, you have to admit I’ve got a bit of a point about people playing this song to death. It’s exactly why we can’t have nice things. I’m saying this to be helpful. Case in point: There are still old white people walking around saying, “You go girl!” They’ve even passed it down to their children. Do you want “Gangnam Style” to enjoy the same fate? It might happen if you don’t look your co-worker squarely in the eye and say, “Stop doing that damn dance already!” Already, there are restaurants out in Cali called Gangnam Chicken. That simply is not cool, guys. Y’all: We’ve got to cut this crap out. Before it’s too late. Before it becomes the Korean electric slide. You all have the power to help save millions of last nerves belonging to people like me, who aren’t sure how much longer they can hold on. If I can let go of the butterfly – for at least a couple of years until Beyoncé asked me to do an old school dance – your cousins and your me-maws can let go of Gangnam Style. Seriously, my people, when is Korea’s answer to the Macarena going to be over?

Big Bang and 2NE1 make MTV Style’s list of ‘Best Band Style of 2012′

The two YG Entertainment groups are the only Asian artists to make the list of 10, which includes One Direction, The Wanted, Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls, Destiny’s Child, Fun, HAIM, and No Doubt. MTV wrote on 2NE1: “K-Pop had a GIGANTIC year in 2012, partly because of ‘Gangnam Style‘ and partly because the genre is CHOCK FULL of boy bands and girl groups. MTV Style has a soft spot for 2NE1 thanks to their propensity for all things bold and colorful and their enviable closeness with Jeremy Scott.” Big Bang: “Speaking of bold and colorful… We are OBSESSED with Big Bang. The K-Pop boy band is a five-dude unit of unbridled energy, hyper-saturated streetwear, tonsorial risk-taking, and uhh, they wear MINX NAILS SOMETIMES. *faints*” Big Bang previously made headlines on MTV for their style. This past September, G-Dragon and T.O.P received attention for their Minx Nails. The group’s songs “Blue” and “Bad Boy” also made the spotlight. In related news, Big Bang will be holding their ‘Alive GALAXY World Tour‘ from the 8th to the 10th in Hong Kong, while 2NE1 continues on their 7-country, 11-city ‘New Evolution‘ tour.

The art of cereals

First impressions If you see the words ‘whole’ or ‘bran’, you’re on the right track. The health benefits of whole wheat, whole grain and anything similar are well-known and bran is a natural source of concentrated fibre, which we all could use more of for better digestion. Size matters On average, you should be consuming only 120 – 150 calories from just the cereal (milk not included), which comes up to a typical serving of 30g. If you pour mindlessly, this could escalate to 400 calories, which is about as much as you get in a small packet of nasi lemak. Fruits and nuts Walnuts, pecans and almonds are all great sources of good fats and protein, but they’re also high in calories, so tread lightly. Moderation is the key to reaping the good and limiting the not-so good. The same applies to raisins, dried berries, dates, banana chips and other dried fruit. Fresh fruits are always the better option. Sweet sensations Is it inevitable that healthy = tastes like cardboard? Not necessarily

. As long as less than 10% of your daily calorie intake comes from added sugars like sucrose (which are mono and di-saccarides), you’re still in the healthy zone. Get mathematical If nothing else, remember this: at least three grams of fibre and no more than eight grams of sugar per meal. Did you know, it’s been proven that as the fibre content in your body goes up, the rate at which you gain weight drops? And remember...You really can’t go wrong by starting your day with a bowl of cereal. The largest part of carbohydrates in cereals are healthy carbohydrates. As human being, carbs should represent 55% of our daily energy intake and cereals get you off to a great start.

Top 6 tips to help boost your immune system and prevent a winter cold

If your office is a breeding ground for nasty cold and flu germs it's time to go on the offensive. Here are a few tips and tricks to help you stay feeling fit as a fiddle... Wash your arms Washing your hands regularly is crucial to destroy germs, but scrubbing up your wrists and forearms is even more effective. Research has shown that your forearms harbour more germs than your armpits, so If you can, wash all the way up to your elbows for at least ten seconds. It's also a good idea to keep your nails short so they don't become a breeding ground for bacteria. Eat plenty of chicken soup Making soup out of chicken bones and leftovers from a roast dinner tastes great and infuses the soup with bone marrow, which encourages the body to produce immune boosting white blood cells. Get out the house Spending more time outdoors in the cold can actually help to prevent a cold. Scientists believe that we catch colds because we spend more time indoors, exposing ourselves to airborne viruses more frequently. It's a myth that cold weather causes colds, so don't be fooled. Eat and drink more ginger Infusing some fresh ginger into your morning cuppa could help you ward off viruses. Ginger contains over a dozen anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties which makes it great for boosting the immune system. Plus it's very warming, which will help to take the chill off the cold winter nights. Wear some slippers Keeping your feet toasty warm in the winter can reduce your chances of catching a cold by 67%. Researchers in the UK discovered that cold feet cause the blood vessels in your sinuses to tighten, which can make it more difficult for white blood cells to get to the membranes in your nose and throat (which is where most colds attack). Have more sex Research shows that couples who have regular sex have higher levels of immunoglobulin A in their blood streams, which helps to ward off infections. Getting busy twice a week should do the trick!

5 easy ways to shed post-Christmas pounds

Give away leftover treats After feasting for nearly two weeks, it can be hard to stop eating; especially so if you have too many treats in the cupboard. When people come over for Christmas they tend to be laden with gifts and the odd food-based present. Inevitably, not all of the food items you brought or were given will be eaten come January the first. Yet with all of those Christmas goodies in the cupboard you’ll find it that much harder to stick to your new healthy eating regime. Rather than keep all of that calorific food, why not continue the Christmas cheer and pack up the food into a hamper or basket and give someone you know a treat. Or, give the hamper to a worthy cause. This will help you stick to your New Year’s resolutions. Drink water For the majority of us, Christmas is spent nibbling cookies, cakes and all sorts of other unhealthy food. Therefore, once the festive season ends our bodies are filled with harmful toxins. To flush out these substances, drink lots of water. You should aim to drink around three quarters to one full gallon of water in order to flush out these toxins. If you don’t like drinking water or struggle to guzzle lots, then we have some tricks to help you drink more. Firstly, you could invest in a drinking glass that you really like. Or you could attach elastic bands to your water bottle. Every time you drink a bottle’s worth of water you can remove one of th
e bands. If you dislike the taste of water, try decaffeinated iced tea or add some squeezed lemon juice to turn plain water into a refreshing, zingy drink. Make plans After Christmas most of us struggle to shed post-Christmas pounds because we are bored. January signals a time for cutting back and staying in, so that we can address our finances and save a little money. Yet after all the glitz and fun of December, staying in becomes hard and we often find ourselves bored and low. Consequently, most of us tend to indulge in a little comfort eating. This is terrible news for your resolution to shed that Christmas weight. To combat the boredom and post-Christmas blues you need to plan some fun, cheap activities. You could volunteer at a youth center, enter a fun run event or arrange to meet up with friends and go on a long walk somewhere pretty. Protein Want to kick your sluggish post-Christmas metabolism into life to shed those post-Christmas pounds? Well, you’ll be please to hear that protein is the solution to your metabolism issues. For breakfast eat around 10 to 15 grams of protein in order to get your metabolism into gear at the start of the day. An egg on toast or some low-fat yogurt with honey and nuts is a great breakfast if you want to shed that Christmas weight. After your busy day, half an hour before you go to sleep you should eat another protein heavy snack. This time you could choose a small protein shake or some cottage cheese with berries and honey. Eating protein before bed will help to increase your metabolism when you are asleep. Light a candle Over Christmas we consume a shocking amount of sugar. Therefore, when we come to shed post-Christmas weight our blood sugar levels are unstable, which can cause us to crave calorific, unhealthy snacks. If you want to beat these cravings the trick is to light a vanilla candle. A study at St George’s hospital in London found that vanilla-scented patches significantly reduced participants’ appetite for sweet foods and drinks. It is believed that this is because the smell of vanilla can help to suppress sweet cravings. This January, make sure you have a stock of vanilla scented candles in your cupboard and light one when you have an urge for something sweet.


Bahagian Kuching merupakan salah satu bahagian di negeri Sarawak. Pusatnya ialah bandar Kuching, ibu negeri Sarawak. Penduduknya terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum seperti Cina, Melayu, Bidayuh, Iban, Melanau, Orang Ulu dan lain-lain. Terdapat banyak tempat pelancongan yang menarik, dan ramai pelancong dari seluruh dunia yang melawat Kuching pada setiap tahun. Secara amnya, Kuching merupakan bandar keempat terbesar di Malaysia. Jumlah penduduk bandaraya Kuching setakat tahun 2009 dianggarkan sekitar 794 517 orang. Kuching telah diisytiharkan sebagai bandaraya pada 1 Ogos 1988. Namun keluasan bandaraya Kuching amat besar. Ia dibahagikan kepada dua kawasan iaitu Kuching Utara yang ditadbir oleh Dewan Bandaraya Kuching Utara (DBKU) manakala Kuching Selatan yang ditadbir oleh Majlis Bandaraya Kuching Selatan (MBKS). Kuching adalah satu-satunya bandaraya di Malaysia yang memiliki dua Datuk Bandar yang mentadbir kedua-dua kawasan ini. antara bandar kecil di Kuching Utara ialah Petra Jaya, Satok, Pusat Bandaraya Kuching (Barat), Matang, Batu Kawa, Pending, Demak, Gita,dan bandar Baru Samariang. manakala bandar kecil di Kuching Selatan termasuk Pusat Bandaraya Kuching (Timur), Padungan, Pending, Stampin, Tabuan Height, dan Kenyalang Park. di semua bandar kecil di atas, semuanya ada keistimewaan tersendiri. Di dalam bandar, terdapat beberapa muzium seperti Muzium Sarawak yang amat dikenali, Muzium Cina, Muzium Kucing, dan lain-lain yang patut dikunjungi semasa melawat Kuching. Mercu tanda dan tapak menarik termasuk Astana (bekas istana Raja), Kubu Margherita, kuil Tua Pek Kong, dan Bazar Besar. Kawasan dermaga Kuching, yang sebenarnya merupai sebuah esplanad tepi sungai, terletak di sebelah kanan hotel-hotel utama serta kawasan tengah komersil bandar raya dan membekalkan kawasan untuk bersiar-siar pada waktu petang. Kedai-kedai lama di sebelah sana kawasan dermaga menjual berbagai-bagai barang 'antik' dan kraftangan. Sebilangan kawasan menarik yang lain yang terletak berhampiran dengan pusat bandar termasuk Jalan Padungan yang merupakan kawasan Pekan Cina utama di bandar raya ini. Kedai-kedai yang kelihatan tidak pernah berubah sejak 20 tahun dahulu memberikan wawasan yang mempesonakan tentang kehidupan pada masa dahulu. Jalan Carpenter dan Jalan India masih mengekalkan daya tarikan dunia lama, walaupun proses globalisasi tidak henti-henti mencerobohinya. Bangunan Mahkamah lama merupakan penghubung antara Jalan Carpenter dan Jalan India, dan berbaloi untuk dikunjungi bagi mengenang kembali keindahan kolonial yang menjadi pudar (kini dipulihkan dan dimodenkan). Taman-taman di sekeliling bandar raya yang dijaga dengan baik juga merupakan tempat-tempat yang baik untuk dikunjungi.Sebuah konsep 'Garden City' juga telah dicadangkan untuk bandar Kuching


Negeri Sarawak dikenali dengan gelaran Bumi Kenyalang merupakan salah satu daripada 14 negeri (termasuk Wilayah Persekutuan yang membentuk Persekutuan Malaysia. Negeri sarawak terletak di Pulau Borneo dan merupakan negeri yang paling besar di Malaysia. Negeri Sarawak bersebelahan dengan Negara Indonesia, Brunei, dan Negeri Sabah. Sabah dan Sarawak biasanya digolongkan bersama sebagai Malaysia Timur Sarawak berada dalam kawasan tropika dengan iklim khatulistiwa yang panas dan lembap sepanjang tahun. Hutan Sarawak adalah sumber dan aset yang paling penting. Sarawak mempunyai 11 bahagian keseluruhannya (Kuching, Sri Aman, Sibu, Miri, Limbang, Sarikei, Kapit, Kota Samarahan, Bintulu, Mukah dan Betong). Setiap bahagian ditadbir oleh seorang Residen dan dibahagikan kepada dua ke empat kawasan. Bandar-bandar utama di negeri Sarawak adalah Kuching (pop.658 549), Miri(pop.280,518), Sibu(pop.209,616), Bintulu(pop.189,695), Sarikei(pop.56 798), Sri Aman(pop.64 905) dan Limbang(pop.40 959). Kini, Sarawak mempunyai dua buah bandar raya utama, iaitu Kuching dan Miri. Kuching telah diisytiharkan sebagai bandar raya pada 1 Ogos 1988 manakala Miri mendapat status bandar raya pada 20 Mei 2005. Negeri Sarawak ditadbir oleh Dewan Undangan Negeri dan Majlis Mesyuarat Kerajaan Negeri sendiri. Dewan Undangan Negeri merupakan kuasa tertinggi dalam menetapkan polisi di dalam negeri. Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri bertanggungjawab kepada Dewan Undangan Negeri yang diwakili oleh pelbagai orang yang dilantik setiap lima tahun. Ia diketuai oleh Yang di-Pertua Negeri yang dilantik oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong Malaysia. Jabatan Ketua Menteri adalah tiang pentadbiran negeri yang meletakkan pejabat Ketua Menteri, Pejabat Setiausaha Kerajaan Negeri serta lain-lain

Wednesday, 19 December 2012



Football refers to a number of sports that involve, to varying degrees, kicking a ball with the foot to score a goal. The most popular of these sports worldwide is association football, more commonly known as just "football" or "soccer". Unqualified, the word football applies to whichever form of football is the most popular in the regional context in which the word appears, including association football, as well as American footballAustralian rules footballCanadian footballGaelic footballrugby leaguerugby union[1] and other related games. These variations of football are known as football codes.

Common elements

  • Two teams of usually between 11 and 18 players; some variations that have fewer players (five or more per team) are also popular.
  • A clearly defined area in which to play the game.
  • Scoring goals or points, by moving the ball to an opposing team's end of the field and either into a goal area, or over a line.
  • Goals or points resulting from players putting the ball between two goalposts.
  • The goal or line being defended by the opposing team.
  • Players being required to move the ball—depending on the code—by kicking, carrying, or hand-passing the ball.
  • Players using only their body to move the ball.



1)Look at What You Eat Now

Write down what you eat for a few days to get a good picture of what you're taking in daily. By looking at what you eat and how much you're eating, you can figure out what adjustments you need to make.

2)Use the Nutrition Facts Label
Keep saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol, and sodium low, while keeping fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamins A and C high. Be sure to look at the serving size and the number of servings per package. The serving size affects calories, amounts of each nutrient, and the percentage of Daily Value.

3)Control Portion Sizes

Understanding the serving size on the Nutrition Facts label is important for controlling portions. Someone may have a large bottled drink, assuming it's one serving, but if you look at the label, it's actually two servings. And if you consume two servings of a product, you have to multiply all the numbers by two. When the servings go up, so do the calories, fat, sugar, and salt.

5)Control Calories and Get the Most Nutrients

You want to stay within your daily calorie needs, especially if you're trying to lose weight. You also want to get the most nutrients out of the calories, which means picking nutritionally rich foods. Children and adults should pay particular attention to getting adequate calcium, potassium, fiber, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and E.